Legacy Practice Transitions specializes in guiding dentists through practice transitions with over 30 years of experience. Whether you’re contemplating purchasing, selling, merging, or adding an associate/partner to your practice within the next five years, I’m here to assist you.
Exclusively with LPT, Objective-Based Practice TransitionsTM is a unique process of aligning the objectives and goals of practice buyers and sellers to achieve the best possible professional, personal and financial outcomes. Success is accomplished when both buyer and seller win to a degree that could not have been accomplished without the practice transition.
We also provide: practice evaluations, contracts, DSO consulting, and associate and hygiene placement.

Joe Massa
DDS – Transition Consultant
Dr. Massa is a 1983 graduate of the Indiana University School of Dentistry and practiced general dentistry in a very successful private practice for over 20 years. In 2002, he successfully transitioned his dental practice in suburban Indianapolis, IN. through the Pre-Sale concept – one in which he was able to eliminate administrative and managerial responsibilities of his practice, continue to practice on a limited part time basis, maintain a clinical income consistent with that prior to the transition, and turn his practice from a non interest bearing asset into an interest bearing asset.
His involvement now as a practice transition consultant since 2002 has enabled him to evaluate and share, from a practitioners’ perspective, the importance of economic security and the emotional challenges generated during and after the transition process. Dr. Massa currently represents clients in Indiana as well as several southeastern states. He welcomes the opportunity to consult with any prospective clients to establish both the right timing and transition modality which fulfills their respective needs.
Email: Joe@LegacyPracticeTransitions.com
Phone: 317-507-3468
Website: LegacyPracticeTransitions.com